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boring day in sch...@ least shark wasn't as noisy...maybe because i wasn't sitting there more than half of the time in school...found out my neck had a small little swelling during hcl then my brilliant friend went to rub the swelling which we thought was a blood clot...ended up splitting it into 2...sheesh...went to the choir masterclass after school with the choir commitee & mrs lock...took mrt there...haha...joshua has got a stead called grace!!!she's from nanyang girls!!!haha...couldn't believe it...the masterclass was quite nice (the american girls weren't as chio as i imagined though...haha)...the conductor has cool warm-up techniques too...the songs also very nice (but i fell asleep while they were singing 1 song) home & taught my mom how to save programs into a diskette...haha...excuse her...she doesn't know how to use a com...then ate dinner and went to loyang point's clinic after that to check my swelling...seems like its quite serious lor...both the swelling (which are lymph nodes or something like that) and cough which i already had for 3 weeks are connected...its because i got throat infection which caused the cough...& the lymph nodes are caused by bacterial infections from either the ear, nose or my case, my now i have to eat my medicine and see the doc again in 2 weeks...if i still have the swelling, i need to get x-ray...that's bad...haha...well, i hope its nothing serious...whoa...the cough syrup is power man...i super drowsy now...think i go sleep liao...bye!!!
10:36 PM
had a fun day...haha...not really ah...went 2 sch @ 9 cos got choir...had to run 1 round around the field cause i couldn't go sore throat mah...then went back to AV room learn a capella...piece of cake...did 4 recordings of our 'masterpiece'...haha...went opposite school to have lunch with bo aft stopped by 3 strangers just after leaving school...they wanted to have some survey & are from some got past all this fast cos he buddhist...then i got spoken to for like 10+ min...haha...cos i'm a christian who doesn't go church...forgot the name of my church'm 1 bad sinner...attempted to go zhi hao's hse after that but he didn't welcome me, so bo also helicopter-ed him...haha...thx bro...decided to rot with me @ t-mall...walked around the whole place looking for new shoes & bags...saw some nice 1s...but i need to save $$$!!!re-lived our childhood after that when we went to toys r us & 'played' with all the toys...haha...also checked out the price of my hp headset...$25!!!then we went home...fell asleep on 29 all the way but woke up @ the stop just on time...walked home & watched some japanese version of journey to the west...super funny...but its on m'sian sis' family came after that...haha...seems like my baby niece nore cheerful le...attempted to do my a math tuition hw due tmw but i dunno anything @ all...just going to tell mr. lim tmw that i got no time...haha...go sleep le!!!goodnight!!!
12:31 AM
hello...going to sleep soon le...just wanna blog for fun...had a boring day in school today...forgot what happened before recess liao...had hcl after that...joined class cos had a listening preparing 4 our 'o's on mon...sat wif ck...spent da whole lesson attempting to whack each other's ear lame...haha...then had free period cos yanti din come...had a math lesson after tiong din was 'taught' by that itchy fingered & busybody poh...lame lesson...just did a worksheet...then had some financial lesson...found it quite meaningful lah...then ate & went 4 choir...learnt a new chinese dialect song...played bball wif bo aft choir then went home...had dinner wif my dad cos no 1 else went going to sleep...sad...just found out that my aikido instructor's dad just passed away...sigh...go sleep le!
11:21 PM
haha...specially switched on my com juz 2 fingers itching lah...anyway nothing much happened 2day...woke up in the morning @ like 10...den rotted til my mom came back...then mapled when she went out...funny thing happened in warrior juz lvl-ed up to 15 den changed a whole new set of weapons & armours!YEAH=)!but got 1 female character all of a sudden want to make frens wif me...then came the scary part...the person all of a sudden said 'i love u' to me!!!i was like 'eh...haha...nice one...' then my beloved com saved me by hanging the i had to shut it down lah...went to play soccer after this bunch of 18+ year old guys playing there...pierce ear here & there...some tattoo the whole body...but got this guy a bit the very hao lian...he wears VJC t-shirt 2 play...yesterday he wore VJC soccer team jersey which was an Adidas F-50+ Tunit...sheesh...make me jealous...then i went to play wif them...accidentally stepped on a guy's feet then he tried to beat me up...a bit scary ah tattoo all over...but his fren cooled him down lah...after that pushed the VJ guy then he also not happy...wat lah?!?!tackle liddat oso not happy...but iqbal's T90 ball got stolen...watched shanghai noon then rot a while then here i am blogging...haha...going slp le...tmw got choir boys from down under visiting my sch...& choir...BYE!!!
11:23 PM
juz came from SYF opening ceremony...super interesting!!!but i dunno how to describe too bad if u missed it!!!but i got pics lah...aft dat went back 2 tecc mac wif the comm & drank coke(i ate mc-chicken @ the stadium alr...) then sat @ the bus stop and talked until cheryl's dad picked her home bathed so here i am now blogging lah...haha...going to watch the eng-portugal match!!!see ya!!!

11:31 PM